Bold wallpaper makes a big statement and breathes life into rooms big and small whether it’s a colourful tropical print or a modern geometric design. Bold print wallpaper has officially joined the ranks of other modern interior trends. Quickly becoming a favourite among interior design enthusiasts. From large scale floral to brightly coloured tropical prints and bold geometrics.
There are few design elements that are as engaging and as colourful as wallpaper, and this collection of Bold Print Wallpaper really does make a statement. An inspiring wallpaper range that can bring life and great design to any space, from commercial to residential. If your room can take it, then papering all four walls is very fashionable right now and looks confident. From bold palms, to geometric prints and floral patterns, the options for injecting some bold personality into your living space are broad. This is a category that is here to stay. Bold wallpaper has all the elements of a trend that promises to take over. Plus, it literally has before. So why wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) it invade our aesthetic world again?
Glamorously Grand
Glamorously Grand Wallpaper is a milder take on the exuberant maximalist trend. As Coco Chanel once said ‘luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it’s not luxury.’
Large Scale Florals
Large scale florals are an effective way to make a beautiful bold statement in your space. Our floral wallpaper is represents various types of blossoms including roses, hydrangeas, orchids and tulips.
Dainty Vintage Florals
A delicate collection of ditsy and dainty floral wallpapers. Florals are a perennial choice and a trusty pillar of many interior designers. These vintage or muted designs are ideal for creating a soft romantic interior.
Floral Bouquet
Pretty, feminine and romantic florals are the epitome of spring and in modern design they are going to return for a love affair with our homes.
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