Wake Up Your Entryway! Wallpaper for entries, hallways and foyers, what should you look for? Well, we’ve sorted all of that for you. Here is a collection of wallpaper that says “welcome” to those entering your home or place of business. If your entry or foyer is a little small or pokey, take a risk with bold wallpaper. It’s eye catching, but in a small space, it isn’t overwhelming. Remember first impressions last so be sure you send the right message (as in, “Wow, this is your place?”).
These designer wallpapers help set the tone for the rest of your home. Entryway wallpaper makes an introduction, not only to your home, but to you. Likewise, a good hallway wallpaper can make the simple every day act of traveling from one room to another, a stimulating experience. What a better way to take the mundane and make it something a little more! Browse our selection of wallpaper for entries, hallways and foyers and imagine the possibilities.
White Subtle Wallpapers
Whether you call it modern minimalism, Scandi saturation, just a sheer love affair with neutrals or you prefer to play it safe, it’s impossible to escape just how popular subtle white interiors have become.
Wallpaper for Living Rooms
Living rooms are going through somewhat of an evolution. From what used to be a rarely-used room reserved for guests on special occasions has morphed into a kid-friendly hub of the home.
Dining Room Wallpapers
Make every meal an occasion with this unique collection of favourable dining room wallpapers. The dining room is a unique place in every home.
Laundry & Mud Room Wallpaper
The country cottage style channels the innocence, purity, and simplicity of the countryside. Country cottages conjure a picture of where life is simple.
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