I am a mother of two beautiful children and a fluffy white pug – an intuitive person who looks into the mysteries of the universe. Studying astrology has helped me understand people more profoundly – which helps me with my interior design practice. It was a home study diploma that sparked my passion for interior design in 2000. I graduated in 2006 with a bachelor’s degree in interior design after completing a BTEC in 2003. My next step was to study holistic interior design, which I completed in 2017. As well as working with clients on interior projects, I provide guidance and mentoring to first-year interior design students at South Essex College. My holistic interior design consultancy aims to enrich the health and well-being of the planet and its inhabitants by improving and enhancing their quality of life. My goal is to develop a step-by-step guide for creating healthy homes so everyone can create their own healthy environment. In the meantime, you can read about holistic design and its benefits on my blog.
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Our trade program is open to credentialed interiors professionals who love styling, designing, building or otherwise. We look forward to working together!